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Feeling Bored? 3 tips for coping with boredom during this pandemic

Written By: Tosin Ajogbeje/Date:2021-06-13

Eckhart Tolle wrote, “Boredom, anger, sadness, or fear are not yours, not personal. They are conditions of the human mind. They come and go.” I’m sure we all know that boredom is a universal problem. And with the imposed lockdowns and stringent stay-at-home orders around the world, being bored is inescapable.

Although with things moderately getting back to normal and re-opening measures in place, there is a bit of anticipation about the “unfamiliar” way of living. People have told me how they took certain things for granted pre-covid, and are embracing activities that keep them going during the pandemic.

Again, I’m sure people are not charmed by boredom. However, boredom can often serve as a motivation to get creative or try new eventful things. Overcoming boredom can be challenging, especially when left with less things to engage in. Well let’s start from here or rather read through this; there are many ways you can make a dreary situation more entertaining. Think of things you always wanted to do or participate in. Is it volunteering at a charity, starting a new business or spearheading an art or musical show, writing a book or attending educational workshops virtually for your own benefit. These could be great ways to channel your creativity.

It helps to hang out and catch up with friends virtually of course, but a big part of overcoming boredom is doing something impactful. Something like learning a new skill. So how do you create your own fun?

Asides from bingeing your favourite TV program throughout the week or exploring the bigness of social media or TikTok, you could rediscover your passions. As mentioned earlier, if you enjoy artful things, then dash ahead and create music, start a podcast and chase your dream as a photographer. You just never know what will positively happen when looking for the silver lining. Usually when we are scaffolded by external demands, it’s possible to become despondent. But we can keep the hope alive and aim to start something new. It’s okay to bring something into the world that uplifts your psyche.

Friends Friends Friends! You heard that right. Maybe this is a great time to start a virtual book club or gym and dance class with friends. Since virtual is the new normal for now, research relevant ideas on how to kickstart exciting things like this. Sharing your insights and building up yourself this way could be rewarding. Also, this is an opportunity to share your content on platforms like YouTube and other social media outlets.

Now you could also spice things up here, and make physical activity and outdoor exercises more interesting. Walking counts as a relaxing activity and likewise provides some mental health benefits. Research claims that going on regular walks can make you feel more creative. Putting in the work most times helps cope with boredom. Imagine walking outdoors and listening to some neat music. This could help lower stress and anxiety and boost your self-esteem. Guess what creating a sense of belonging means everything, including finding ways to engage with the community. And we all need positive vibes and interesting moments to cherish. You can be part of something that enlightens people just by creating something new. Stay energized comrades.


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