Written By: Tosin Ajogbeje/Date:2021-06-26
Writing is a crucial part of human communication. Everyone has the skillset to become a well-versed writer and write incredible content. But it comes with a conscious effort to sharpen one’s skills and engage in constant practices on a daily basis. Could we say this is a no-brainer? People have told me how they struggle between writing overly verbose content and keeping their content concise.
As a PR expert I often tell my clients that writing requires using an analytical approach to divulge meaningful information to a target audience. Adopting an Inverted Pyramid style in any write-up enables one to prioritize the most information and focus on attention-grabbing elements in the text . Whether it’s putting language down on paper, or drafting a press release, white paper, or contributing to an annual report, excellent writing skills can help you communicate the appropriate message.
In today’s digital age, industry leaders not only require in-demand transferable skills but a fair share of proficiency in the art of written communication. So how do we avoid poor grammar or punctuation mistakes when we draft content for social media or even a simple text?
Try practical exercises that can help you boost your writing process. You could engage in freewriting activities by setting a timer and writing on a topic that comes to mind. You could go to a park or a public space and observe the environment, and jot down what you see. Create your own story.
Studying an author’s work that you admire is highly recommendable. When you pay attention to the voice and writing technique the author employs to create readability, it enhances your skills. For example, it is worth identifying how the author uses expressive or aggressive phrasing in the book. Doing this will allow you to internalize such creative strategy in your writing.
Another useful tactic to improve your writing is making your headlines stand out. Asides this, choose your words wisely and deliver your message in a concise manner. Using an engaging headline and a descriptive language in your writing will keep your audience interested. Making your content understandable for the readers to digest or skim through can be rewarding. Using short paragraphs and bullet points makes it easier for your target audience to scan the online content and receive the message quickly.
Automated proofreading programs do a whole lot more too. I’m sure you have heard of the incredible “Grammarly” tool and other similar tools. Well, it does the trick in helping with spell checking and detects plagiarism in one’s text or writing. Because you don’t want to lose your audience in the middle of a sentence, ensure that you always proofread your work. You can up your game by reaching out to mentors or writers to check out your content. Writing can be a grueling journey. But when you apply the right tools and practices to your writing process, then you can draft memorable stories worth checking out. If you are willing to define your tone in interesting ways, then it creates an exciting opportunity for you to develop your unique writing style.
Do you want to set yourself apart from everyone else? Stay inspired by reading diverse stories, online content, blogs, and anything that captivates your attention. Again, reading more will give you more vitality in your writing arsenal. You get to learn something new by reviewing different methods of writing. You could start by reading books that you never imagined as favorable. Whether it’s reading scientific articles, business books or self-help inspirational books, a big part of exploring these kinds of content will enlighten you more.
Don’t doubt yourself and implement some of these helpful tips today in your personal, business or work life. And do note that writer’s block happens to everyone. Taking a break, working out in the gym or socializing with friends might just inspire you at some point to publish fresh content. You have the ability to share your story and draft meaningful content that could impact the world around you.